Fun Sites for Kids

Games for Younger Children

Arthur: Spend time with Arthur and his friends. Play games, create postcards, or
write a letter to Arthur.

Between the Lions: This early literacy site, for children ages 4-7, is a tie-in
for the award winning television program. It offers appealing characters, songs,
stories, and games.

Candyland: Go to "activities" for Lolly's Magical matching game or gingerbread

Enchanted Learning: Includes links to preschool activities, etc.

Fisher Price Games: Official site for Fisher-Price, manufacturer of infant,
toddler, and educational toys. Check out the playtime ideas and parenting advice.

Nick Jr.: Stories and games are based on Nick characters such as Blue (Blues Clue)
and Little Bear.

PBS Kids: Interact with all your favorite PBS characters, play games, create
stories, color, listen to music, etc.

Safari Memory: Animal memory games.

Sesame Street: Preschoolers can enjoy games, stories, art and music with
their favorite Sesame Street characters.

Storyline: Watch and listen to storybooks online.

Suessville: Here are lots of fun games for you to play, to keep you entertained all

Thomas the Tank Engine: Have lots of fun with Thomas.

Games for Older Children

Barbie: Fashion fun and cool games including: puzzle fun, shoe hunt, and

Bella Sara: Join the virtual world of North of North where horses come to life!

Cartoon Network: Play games related to your favorite cartoon network

Discovery Kids: This site offers games, interactives, creepy crafts, and
icky experiments.

Disney: Playhouse Disney, Kids Island, and Family Fun provide a variety of games
and boredom busters for kids of all ages.

Edheads: Activate your mind: perform virtual knee surgery, investigate a virtual
crash, design a virtual cell phone, etc.

Harry Potter: Take the wizard challenge to see how much you know about the
Harry Potter series.

Learn & Play Chess: This is where you can learn the game or perfect your moves.

National Geographic: Your mission is to solve the geography challenge before
time runs out. Choose from continents, countries, or the 50 states.

Orisinal: Tons of fun games!

Pixie Hollow Fairies: Create your own fairy and play with Tink and the gang.

Think Quest: Get involved!  Enter the Thinkquest Competition.

Jokes for Kids

Dinosaur Jokes: From Enchanted Learning.

Yahooligans Jokes: 2110 jokes and counting.

Gross Stuff

Captain Underpants: and Ricky Ricotta, too.

Goosebumps: Gross AND scary.

Guiness Book of World Records: Cool intro; fascinating facts.

Yuckiest Site on the Internet: Creepy crafts, revolting recipes, and more.


Boston Red Sox: Everything Red Sox

New England Patriots: Everything Patriots

Boston Bruins: Everything Bruins

Just Plain F.U.N!

Build Your Wild Self: The name says it all.

Cryptograms: Cryptogram maker.

Dive In: Explore the deep.

Dr. Zoolittle's Science Experiments: Fun science experiments and observations.

The Great Park Pursuit: No Child Left Inside.

Kids Health Recipes: If you bake it, kids will come to the dinner table.

Kid Zone (NY Philharmonic): Fun exploring music.

SwitcheRoo Zoo: Learn all about animals and create your own!

Survive!: Test your survival IQ.